Thursday, March 26, 2009

The James Gang came over to visit us last Saturday, they brought name blocks for Henry & Sophia food and much needed BEER!!. They also brought a wipe warrmer for the babies bottoms, Thanks Grandma Gail (we still need the receipt)


  1. Soon Emma will be driving the James Gang up to babysit the Watson Duo!

  2. I agree -- future babysitters!!! They talked and talked about seeing the babies and getting to hold them!

  3. I want to introduce Great Aunt Ruth or GARRRRRR - (it goes with her patch)to Henry and Sophia. I thought she needed an acronym to go with her name since we have GAS and GAG!!! GAR works perfectly with the pirate theme she is trying to pull off!

  4. Hilarious! Glad you thought of that! We can't leave her out of the Great Aunt acronym party!

